

  • Black Belt 4th Dan

  • Martial arts instructor

  • Elite Strength & Flexibility coach

  • Weapons Expert

  • Mat Pilates certified Teacher

  • Yoga Teacher (200hr Yoga Alliance)

  • Level 3 PT

  • Motion Capture Performer

  • PADI Dive Master

  • SPA Rock Climber

Learn from elite instructor Chloe Bruce

The woman behind the Academy

Born and raised in England, UK. I started my journey within Martial arts at the tender age of 8. After only a year of training, I was thrown in the deep end and found myself competing at the British Championships. I didnt make the British team that year, however with huge determination, and motivation, I was inspired to make my dreams come true!

In 1996, at 12 years old I was on the British team, competing at the World Championships in Prague. I had trained hard all year for the World championships, and went there with one vision; To make an impact on my Country and the World and prove that this ‘underdog’ was a serious contestant for gold. I performed my heart out, and ended up winning not one, but 2 gold medals that year.  I was World Champion in Traditional Kata and Muscial Forms. I will never forget the feeling of standing on the podium listening to my national anthem whilst watching the tears of pride roll down my parents faces.

12 World titles later, numerous British, American and European titles under my belt, not to mention the 3 guinness World records I had also achieved. I decided to retire from competition in 2011. I had found a new passion and avenue that my martial arts took me down, and there was nothing holding me back. I was going to be a stunt woman!

I was going to be a stunt woman!

I never take anything I do lightly and this wasnt to be any different, I have been fortunate enough to be the stunt double for some of Hollywoods leading actors such as Zoe Saldana in Guardians of the Galaxy, Daisy Ridley in Star Wars, Sylvia Hoeks, in Bladerunner 2049 & Jamie Alexander in Thor 2, to name a few.  I have been thrown around on wires, fought some of the meanist bad guys in Hollywood, got to sand board down the highest dunes in Abu dhabi and ride the speeder through jakku. All whilst teaching around the World at seminars and events and still performing at guest appearances. I was in the height of my career. Life couldn't get any better, or so I thought…

In 2017, I had my first child, a daughter called Harriet. My oh my did she make an imact on my life! She taught me how to slow down, how to enjoy the little things, and that her and my little family was now priority. I knew alot had to change in order to spend the quality time I wanted to spend with my daughter. So I decided to go back into education with other visions lying ahead of me.

The birth of the Chloe Bruce Academy

I wanted to create a Worldwide platform to teach others and give back to the sport in a way in which I didnt have to travel constantly to teach and impower.

So in 2018 I qualified as a level 3 personal trainer and in 2019 as a Yoga instructor. With even more knowledge under my belt and my second child, George,  being born.  I decided now was a great time to set up my WorldWide training platform. So in January 2019 the Chloe Bruce academy was born and I haven't looked back.

I have taught hundreds of thousands of people from beginners, to professionals, to actors, and actresses. I have seen first hand the problems that students have had to overcome and what it takes to train someone to World Class level.

The information in this website was not a few years in the making, but an entire lifetime and I hope that by sharing my knowledge with you, that you gain results safely and efficiently!



Wonder Woman 1984  (Stunt performer) |  Mission Impossible - fallout (stunt performer) | Star Wars: Episode VIII - The last Jedi (Stunt Double Rey) | Bladerunner - 2049 (Stunt Double: Sylvia Hoeks) The Mummy - (Stunt Performer) | Assasins creed (Stunt Double: Ariane Labed & Michelle Lin) | Star Wars: Episode VII - The force awakens (Stunt Double Rey) | Exodus Gods and Kings (stunt performer) | Guardians of the Galaxy (stunt double: Zoe Saldana) | Thor: The Dark World (stunt double: Jaimie Alexander/Rene Russo) | Kickass 2 (stunt performer) | World War Z (stunt performer)  | Wrath of the Titans (stunt double: Lily James)

TV Shows

Andor (Stunt Double Bix) The Nevers (Stunt Double Maladie) | Game of Thrones (Stunt Double snake sisters) | Black Mirror (Stunt Double) | Into the Badlands (Stunt Performer)  | Officially Amazing | The Fades (stunt performer)| Britains Got Talent | Ross Kemp Short | Guinness World Records | Paul O’Grady | El Gong Show | Benissimo | When will I be famous | Graham Norton | Big Breakfast | Masters of Combat | Skillicious |This Morning


Under Armour | Yellow Pages | Neutral | Ant & Dec HD TV | Adidas | Alexander Mcqueen | Ford Focus | Pepsi (stunt double: Jennifer Lopez)| Sugar Puffs | Honda Civic | Cadbury’s | Mineral Water | Celebrity fit club | Subway

Motion capture

Hellblade – Senua’s Sacrifice | Star Wars battlefront II (Rey) | Mirrors Edge | The Watchmen


Vogue USA | Radio Times | Sun Newspaper | Muscle & Fitness Magazine | Real People Magazine | Maximuscle | CAT | Touch Magazine Kwon | Century | Daily Star | CEL products | Image Library

Live Shows

Spiderman Premiere | Freerunning@ Summer Tour | Street Fighter X Tekken Launch | Diversity UK tour | Top Gear Live World Tour | Formula 1 | Katie Price & Alex Reid’s Wedding | Karate Kid Premiere | Prince of Persia Premiere | Transformers 2 Premiere | Seimens | FIFA interactive World Cup | Detroit Motor Show | Adidas | Reebok | Nike Puma | ISPO | GQ Mens style awards | Golden Lily | Mini’s 50th Birthday | K-1 | Metal Gear solid Launch | The Last Airbender Premiere


WKA World Champion | WKA British Champion | WKA European Champion | WAKO British Champion | French Open Champion | Irish Open Champion US Open Champion | Charlie Lee Nationals Grand Champion | Ocean States Champion | Swiss Open Champion | Quebec Open Champion | New England Open Champion

Guinness World Records

Most amount of kicks in 1 minute

Most Scorpion kicks in 1 minute

Most amount of spins with the bo staff around my body, whilst on 1 leg.

Join Today!

FAQ From a coaches perspective

Why Martial Arts?

My Dad has always been heavily into his martial arts training as he was growing up.   I guess seeing him and my brother training, I decided it was something I wanted to try. Little did I know, a hobby would turn into a lifelong passion, career and love of mine!

Your top training tips?

My top training tip is to enjoy it! When you are enjoying your training you will improve at such a fast pace, and everything will feel so much better. No matter what pace everyone around you is going, just focus on YOU.
Work at your own pace and listen to your body. If you can go harder then go harder, if you need to slow down, then slow down, you know your own body the best.
Lastly, I would say, don’t be afraid to try new things. Everyone was a beginner at one stage in his or her lives at everything. So don’t be scared to be a beginner in a class, gym, or sports environment.

How do you stay motivated within your training?

I have always been a very competitive and driven person. I strive through my success, and the thought of inspiring others. That being said, I am only human, and like everyone I have had times when I have found it so hard to get motivated. That is when I step on youtube, and watch some inspiring videos, or read an uplifting book to snap out of the mood I am in. Your mind is so powerful. Switch up your thoughts, and you can turn around your day!
I set myself goals, and when I see rewards, I want more! Whether that be in training, competition or my personal life.  If I see someone training, I have to train harder, and if I am sitting at home doing nothing, then someone out there could be going harder. I guess its truly down to my self motivation and passion that keeps me going!

Can anyone learn how to do the splits?

This is an extremely tough question to answer without meeting you and seeing what you are already capable of. Lots of factors come into answering this question.
Your age, if you have done sports previously, if you have had splits previously, the list is endless.
Failing that, I believe if you start stretching at a young age, that YES IT IS POSSIBLE for anyone to do splits with a bit of hard work and self belief. I have taught hundreds of thousands of students all over the World and seen the results with my own eyes. The younger you start to stretch, the more I believe this is achievable.

Your most memorable achievement to date?

Oh Gosh this is a hard one to narrow down! How do I minimise a 30 year career into a few lines!?
Winning my first World Championship has to be one of my proudest and memorable moments. I was 14 years old, and I was at the World Kickboxing championships in Prague. I was there with both my parents, and I was the under dog! I entered in 2 divisions, musical forms and traditional forms, and I managed to win GOLD in both.I will never forget standing on the podium with the national anthem playing, and seeing my parents all tearful in the audience. It was a feeling I will never ever forget and an extremely proud day.

Your advise for a complete beginner who doesn't know where to start?

Go for it!! Always follow your heart, and never stop chasing your dreams. Set yourself goals, start off small and then make them harder and bigger, and every time you reach one, set the bar higher. Sports athletes, gym-goers, fit junkies (whatever you want to call yourself) are generally some of the most supportive, encouraging people out there. Whether it’s your first day in the gym, or first day on a specific diet, come talk to me if you are in need of encouragement or advise. I will always try to guide you in the right direction of what’s best for you! Change is good for the soul! Embrace it!